About Blue Sky Coffee Company
Hi everyone, my name is Brayden and I am the owner of Blue Sky Coffee Company, a mobile coffee cart located in the Springfield Mo area. We serve a variety of iced and hot espresso drinks and strive in maintaining the highest quality product. In the spring of 2024 I decided to sell my motorcycle and pursue my life long dream of owning my own coffee shop. Instead of opening a brick and mortar, I decided to start a coffee cart. The advantages of a coffee cart as opposed to a truck or trailer is it delivers a more intimate coffee experience. People often enjoy watching the process of making their drinks and speaking to their barista face to face instead of through a small window. A cart can also be indoors, which avoids people having to stand in line during unfavorable weather. I started the cart for my love of coffee and people. I also strive to show people that with a good quality coffee, the amount of sugar and syrups a lot of local chains put in their drinks is unnecessary. When you drink Blue Sky Coffee, the natural sweetness of the coffee shines through. I have been studying and mastering the art of brewing coffee and espresso since a young age and take the extra time to ensure that every drink is of the utmost quality. If your event needs some energy, Brighten your event with Blue Sky Coffee Company.